Hello, my name is Katou.
Here you can find the lyrics to my songs.

To listen, go to myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison or email me for a CD.
You can also send me an email if you would like to be added to my mailing list. If I record more music or give a concert, you will be informed!

Hola, me llamo Katou.
Aquí puedes encontrar las letras de mis canciones.

Para escuchar, hay canciones colgadas en myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison o me puedes escribir un correo si quieres un disco.
También me puedes escribir si te gustaría estar informado de nuevas grabaciones o conciertos.


Always happy to hear from you.
Me alegra escuchar de ti.

(Photo: Andrea Moro)

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Whitewashed (A Walking Song)

It has been whitewashed for a stretch

It has been whitewashed for a while

Then the yellow yolk came out of its shell

And cracked open the light

And cracked open the blue of another time

One of sweat and just being on the step

With an apricot in hand

Juice running, juice running, juice running from us both

This song came out while I was walking home from Kensington one day...

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