Hello, my name is Katou.
Here you can find the lyrics to my songs.

To listen, go to myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison or email me for a CD.
You can also send me an email if you would like to be added to my mailing list. If I record more music or give a concert, you will be informed!

Hola, me llamo Katou.
Aquí puedes encontrar las letras de mis canciones.

Para escuchar, hay canciones colgadas en myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison o me puedes escribir un correo si quieres un disco.
También me puedes escribir si te gustaría estar informado de nuevas grabaciones o conciertos.


Always happy to hear from you.
Me alegra escuchar de ti.

(Photo: Andrea Moro)

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Claimed Again (New Song!)

Falling backwards off the roof of your house,
The body reborn in a new, bloody form
I can't help but laugh & cry

Losing vision, freefall in the nowhere land
This is as close to death as I've been
Now I don't need to figure out that nothing belongs to me

No house, no body, no one
Wonderful darkness, timelessness
Ridiculous to think
Just witnessing the rich unfolding
I have been claimed again

as one of the vibrant, fragile specks in the kaleidoscope
O, great hands, keep a-turning
I heard the silence you spoke

Losing balance when my string was cut
Re-done, redeemed, reset
Give me a laugh & a drop of life
I will give you all I've got

No house, no body, no one
Wonderful darkness, timelessness
Ridiculous to think
Just witnessing the rich unfolding
I have been claimed again

But on two legs, I feel I'm strong
& in my mind, I am someone
It just takes a fall to drop it all

I walk through the box I build with thoughts
Alive with maybes & maybe nots
There's no way to tell what is real

& in my life, I have a house
I have a body & a sense of self
But the darkness will come & undress me again

& I will be claimed again

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