Hello, my name is Katou.
Here you can find the lyrics to my songs.

To listen, go to myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison or email me for a CD.
You can also send me an email if you would like to be added to my mailing list. If I record more music or give a concert, you will be informed!

Hola, me llamo Katou.
Aquí puedes encontrar las letras de mis canciones.

Para escuchar, hay canciones colgadas en myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison o me puedes escribir un correo si quieres un disco.
También me puedes escribir si te gustaría estar informado de nuevas grabaciones o conciertos.


Always happy to hear from you.
Me alegra escuchar de ti.

(Photo: Andrea Moro)

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Bones in Stays

I don’t know where I’m goin’

Or if I should even go

But if I be stayin’

There’ll be stays round my bones

And how shall I breathe then?

Well, now I am stayin’

I do hope my own bones will stay

For if I be dreamin’

There’ll be ghosts round my days

And how shall I sleep then?

I always been dreamin’

For it is easy to dream

But if I ain’t doin’

My dreams’ll bubble to steam

And how shall I be then?

I will have blown my dreams away

The boneless ghosts will say

I will have thrown them all away

If I don’t grow them today

How do I grow my bones in stays?

This is a song of warning to myself... To heed the inner voice.

I think it's important to follow one's dreams. Otherwise, life is more difficult.

And to do it now! To have patience, but not to postpone.

Everything in its time, no need to force anything. But also to follow "the call."

I realize now that it will just keep calling.

If you don't follow your dreams, THEY WILL FOLLOW YOU.

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