Hello, my name is Katou.
Here you can find the lyrics to my songs.

To listen, go to myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison or email me for a CD.
You can also send me an email if you would like to be added to my mailing list. If I record more music or give a concert, you will be informed!

Hola, me llamo Katou.
Aquí puedes encontrar las letras de mis canciones.

Para escuchar, hay canciones colgadas en myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison o me puedes escribir un correo si quieres un disco.
También me puedes escribir si te gustaría estar informado de nuevas grabaciones o conciertos.


Always happy to hear from you.
Me alegra escuchar de ti.

(Photo: Andrea Moro)

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011


Was she honeydew or banana?

Did she taste like a voiceless dream?

And did she fulfill your fantasy of a moon-faced girl?

All innocence in the dark, surrounding sea

Was he animal or pirate?

Did he touch like you were the first he’d ever seen?

And did he stare, then smile like a kid?

Was he bearded or fresh as fifteen?

I love to make the bed

I’d rather make love

What are you?

What are you afraid of?

Did she save her kisses like stamps for letters she would never send?

And did she open like an envelope?

Naked in her burden

Did he hold her like a handcuff or like a railing?

Did he hold her underwater like breath?

Or did he hold off, unsure of her wanting?

He says we’re on a boat

She says she lost her watch in the sea

I’m a-holdin’ onto control

Just drop it, you don’t need it

There’s freedom shouting in me

It’s hard to melt, when you’re afraid of fire

And it’s hard to yell, when you’ve had to be quiet

For so long

Dharamsala, India 2008

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