Hello, my name is Katou.
Here you can find the lyrics to my songs.

To listen, go to myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison or email me for a CD.
You can also send me an email if you would like to be added to my mailing list. If I record more music or give a concert, you will be informed!

Hola, me llamo Katou.
Aquí puedes encontrar las letras de mis canciones.

Para escuchar, hay canciones colgadas en myspace.com/katherineshengmorrison o me puedes escribir un correo si quieres un disco.
También me puedes escribir si te gustaría estar informado de nuevas grabaciones o conciertos.


Always happy to hear from you.
Me alegra escuchar de ti.

(Photo: Andrea Moro)

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Far From Here

I am going far from here but where I know not

But I know it’s home all too well

I know it's home all too well

I know it's home all too well

I know it is home

I am floating on a sea whose name I know not

But I know its storms all too well

I know its storms all too well

I know its storms all too well

I know its storms

I am under a sky whose eyes I know not

But know its tears all too well

I know its tears all too well

I know its tears all too well

I know its tears

I am snowing on a land whose name I know not

But I know its holes all too well

I know its holes all too well

I know its holes all too well

I know its holes

I am going far from here but where I know not

But I know it’s home all too well

I know its home all too well

I know its home all too well

I know it is home

I wrote this song one winter night instead of going to a party...

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